Guidance and Experience
Through Difficult Times

Frequently Asked Questions


Historically, only about 18% of applications are approved at the initial stage. But don’t be discouraged. Many cases win at the hearing. It takes a while, but it is worth it to you and your loved ones.

Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (abbreviated SSDI or DIB) is also known as Title 2 benefits. Generally speaking, to be eligible for this program, you must have worked five out of the last 10 years and earned sufficient income to gain credits. These credits are like paying insurance premiums. They will eventually run out after you stop working, so it is very important to contact an attorney and begin the disability process as soon as you stop working.

Supplemental Security Insurance (abbreviated SSI or DI) is also known as Title 16 benefits. These benefits are payable to individuals who do not have enough earned income credits to qualify for SSDI. This program has additional technical hurdles, requiring low income and assets to qualify.

In either scenario, an individual must be able to show that he or she is unable to work due to symptoms and limitations from physical and/or mental health diagnoses.

For SSDI recipients, the amount of benefits each person receives depends on the amount of money paid into the system throughout their working career.

For SSI recipients, the amount of benefits begins at $750/month, but can be reduced by other types of income or assets an individual might receive.

Any work performed during the application process can potentially have a negative impact on the ability to get approved for benefits. We recommend that you speak to an attorney who can properly advise you on this issue.

Yes. In fact, the Wounded Warrior designation may help accelerate the application process. However, in areas with a large veteran population, this designation may not have the same effect, since there are other Wounded Warriors waiting in the same line.

Yes. A child however, will only ever qualify for SSI benefits, as they do not have any earned income credits to qualify for SSDI. This places an additional burden on the applicant (and his/her family) to meet the asset and income requirements of the SSI program.